What surprised me the most so far is how little action I’ve seen. The levels play a lot different compared to SoC, and they look a lot more colorful in general. Quests so far have been pretty decent (by STALKER standards, anyway) and I don’t mind that the game uses the same zones as Shadow of Chernobyl, even though I’ve played the latter again only a few days ago. I’m using a merge by some guy from reddit (link has since been pulled so I can’t provide it here, but I’ve made a backup so if someone really wishes to try it out let me know and I’ll upload it somewhere) who put together SPR, Arsenal Overhaul and a bunch of graphics enhancing mods - and all together forms a very nice package that plays more or less like the vanilla version but comes with new weapons, scope overlays, UI, etc.Īnd I have to be honest, it feels nice playing against AI that doesn’t snipe me from 200m through thick foliage. Granted that my first impression all those years ago was really bad but still, I should’ve checked on the modder’s efforts sooner. I finally got around to playing Clear Sky this weekend and now I don’t know why I’ve been avoiding it for so long.